In intensive care, it is of utmost importance to keep track of fluid, electrolyte, and calories requirements per day and actual infusion going on. It is a very difficult and time-consuming calculation. This application is designed to facilitate physicians to calculate the maintenance fluid, set glucose infusion rate, prepare total parenteral nutrition, and calculate electrolyte and nutrient value of ongoing infusion (Fluid, electrolyte, calories, Glucose, protein, and lipid).
1. Maintenance fluid - Neonatal and pediatric.
2. Setting GIR:- Helps in preparing the mixture of fluid for set glucose infusion rate or Glucose delivery rate.
3. Total parenteral nutrition:- Preparation of total parenteral nutrition according to set electrolyte and nutrient content.
4. Component of ongoing infusion:- Calculate the electrolyte, nutrient, and caloric value of ongoing infusion.
5. Individual fluid composition:- Display individual fluid’s electrolyte, nutrient, and caloric value.
How it works:
Sections with green boundaries are editable. Either select from the drop-down list or enter the value in them.
Enter Age, weight, and select the button for the respective activity.
Maintenance fluid:-
After entering the requested value, maintenance fluid rate and fluid type or electrolyte will be displayed. Select rate unit in ml/hr, macro drop/min, or micro drop/min as per requirement.
Setting GIR:-
How it works:
Enter values in the required field, select from the available fluids to get the respective fluid amount to make the mixture.
GIR fluid aliquot:- Quantity of fluid for preparing the mixture.
Total Parenteral Nutrition:- Enter required electrolyte, GIR, protein, lipid, and fluid volume. Submit the entries to get the respective fluid volume for making the mixture.
Component of ongoing infusion:-
Select the type of ongoing IV fluids in the first column, enter the infusion rate, and select rate unit in the respective column.
Select the Add button to make available more rows for entry.
Select the Delete button to delete any extra rows.
Select the Submit button to get the result.
The result will display total electrolyte, protein, lipid, glucose, and calorie supply by infusion.
Fluid Composition:-
Select fluid type in the first row, components of fluid will be displayed in respective rows.